We offer a broad array of hematology tests in Kuwait, including laboratory assessments of blood formation and blood disorders. Our hematology lab tests in Kuwait consist of routine and special coagulation tests, such as PT, APTT, fibrinogen, and TT. Our portfolio of hematology laboratory tests also contains special assays like protein C activity, protein S activity, antithrombin III activity, and lupus anticoagulant.
All the hemoglobinopathies at REL are thoroughly studied and correlated with the CBC, ethnicity, and clinical history. We go the extra mile to ensure accuracy, efficiency, and speedy reporting and all the abnormal CBC samples are cross-checked with the peripheral smear.
At Royal English Laboratory, Kuwait, we do routine and advanced clinical biochemistry tests on fully automated analyzers.The portfolio of biochemistry lab tests done at our laboratory in Kuwait includes:
- Vitamin Assay
- Standard Electrophoresis
- Advanced Paternity Test and Prenatal Test (outsourced)
- Diabetes Management
- Tumor Markers (outsourced)
- Lupus-Type Anticoagulant (Outsourced)
REL also provides the most comprehensive range of endocrinology tests in Kuwait for quantifying hormones and metabolites. Our highly trained and experienced staffs are unsurpassed in their collective expertise in immunoassays and other techniques, a guarantee that your tests will receive prompt and expert attention.
Our endocrinology lab test portfolio in Kuwait includes parathyroid hormone assays, thyroid dysfunction assays, carbohydrate metabolism, adrenocortical/gonadal function (outsourced)FSH, LH, TSH (Ultra-Sensitive), prolactin, and progesterone.
We offer specialized immunology tests in Kuwait in the major areas of clinical immunology, such as:
- Gel electrophoresis
- Enzyme immunoassay and radioimmunoassay
- Complement fixation testing
The microbiology laboratory tests performed at Royal English Laboratory use techniques to spot microorganisms, such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, and parasites. We offer specialized microbiology lab tests in Kuwait in key areas of clinical microbiology, including:
- Aerobic / Anaerobic Bacterial Culture
- Parasitology
- Mycology Culture
- Mycobacterial Culture